Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Beats by Dr Dre studio lated friendly I was

Make him could not say a words, it is the scream of the flank water orchid scare to make him gradually resume intelligent to pour.
On the hallway in afar, the woman of a whole body white dress afloat looking at them over there quietly, although say that the feet didn't hit the ground, than the still steady station is on the ground be, there is no a silk rock, suddenly a see to don't cautiously distinguish to still think that she is standing.That woman stayed Man to just lead the long hair of shoulder, one had no wood grain to have no modifier again in brief however of white one-piece dress, long long of the sleeves covered up a hand completely and just still saw get a little outline from unclearly invite invite.There is around no breeze, but strange of, that woman of long hair and skirt side but very free with scatteredly to on all sides dance open, the facial features is very lean, but the inhospitality don't have one silk facial expression and seem to just is conjecturing a heap of rock.
Remaining spreads a tongue to tie knot a way:"You ……you ……who are you actually?"That woman didn't answer and just was just a little low to come down the head and seemed for betterly seeing pure they, then suddenly turn round to slow-movingly leave.
Was curious to win to fear, remaining spread wave to struggle to climb to shout a way:"Wait for a second, who are you exactly?Can you tell us the method for going out?All once was a person of dint, we didn't want to still want to give up each other this time not very good?"That woman has no deadlock and ignores completely ground to continue to go forward, the long long skirt puts up in the air uncannily dance in the wind, like was a female of ice vulture to is like to throw on long skirt, from start to arrive to eventually have no some air, even eyes have never blinked as well for a while.Remaining spread wave to feel the terror of suffocating the sort, he wasn't the first-time knowledge dead to work properly, the weish brought him how many nights of evil-foreboding dream, coldly lead in the Gu star under once experienced other astral bodies as well, but had dead to work properly elephant, this woman similar can thus keep perfectly and absolutely still?Have no, an all have no!!Probably she isn't dead to work properly, but does the strange and changeful another a difference work properly?!!Remaining spreads to on the contrary regret for a now oneself just of the flounder asks words, he greatly terrifiedly tries very hard to keep to hereafter back and constantly prays that woman to hurry disappearance in the heart bottom at the same time.
Luckily, stairs in place ahead not distance, but the woman seem to have no to directly float the ability for coming downstairs, be her figure the disappearance turn Cape place in the stairs, remaining spreads wave to just finally breath a sigh of relief and see to flank haven't yet recovered from a fright of water orchid, all of 2 people are big sweat to sprinkle the Li air Wei.The air moment starts solidifying again while being just wanting to comfort to relax each other.
Because 2 people are clear to hear the place that disappears from the woman spreading clearly from the far and near step of voice.Is that woman
Come back?Can she clearly is afloat wear of.The dead works properly all is can not stand walk on the ground of?So will be who?2 people change towards hoping one eye, all facial expression greatly, the answer seems to only have a , this knot boundary currently the only operation-Qi cloud flies!!Remaining spreads wave and water orchid secretly complain of hard lot, just once escaped a rob, who know larger calamity still behind, 2 people strongly wanted start escape, the helpless whole body was to lift not rose some energy, elephant soft cotton similar, this time really want over a predestination in death dint?
Chapter 137

Remaining spread wave to once turn round to quickly start to grasp a hand of water orchid, tone urgent tunnel:"Water orchid, before dying, I have a words to want to say to you ……" but see the eye pupil of water orchid suddenly the Zheng is big, write on the face full that kind of the surprised Cha doesn't believe of facial expression, the lips vibrate but could not say a word.The redistribution sees 書齋 this not to should be the facial expression that sees Qi cloud flying to appear by one's own!Remaining spreads feeling to know a difference and also hurriedly turns head a to see, indeed as expected, even oneself also finishes completely whole stunned speechless.Most not the person who appear unexpectedly so the true reality on the spot stand to oneself's in front!Is almost a close at hand, people can not doubt this miracle to is a dream."You ……" remaining spreads wave to eat tunnel:"You why also here…………"
The person, who"hum"s to stand, uses one familiar cold hum an answer they.And remaining's spreading wave and water orchid end unanimous opinion can be surprised to exhale a voice as well:"Zhang Di!!!"The bearer is exactly Zhang Di who goes down south for escorting cold cremated ashes of Gu star in advance.Remaining spreads a way:"You ……did not you go to Guangzhou?How ……how can appear here?You also drive ……blood ……become Wu to work properly?"Zhang Di cannots help but a track of "Chi":"The Wu works properly your head, I ain't just harmed by you!Originally I thought that you were enough intelligent, going in could get by and incredibly drew in me to also go as a result.Like, three people wait dead together now."Remaining spreads a strange way:"Is impossible!
We come in however time just done not arrive for a day, you far in Guangzhou out of a long distance, even if you know that the most rapid degree of news rushes through to come over, also impossible our forepaw just entered, you after the feet was, much less we this acted none of anyone understood.Doulang.com"Zhang Di Lian now difference color:"Does not arrive for a day?Did the forepaw just enter??"Lower the head unexpectedly silent not language.
Remaining spreads wave to see Zhang Di's facial expression not to, suspect big:The person of in front however is a mirage?Isn't real Zhang Di?Zhang Di suddenly handle knob a clap a way:"I am getting more understand!BE so, no wonder that you are still carefree to visit Zai at 1:00 all not panic go out."
Water orchid got a fright way:"What is so?Haven't you explained why you arrive at here so quickly?"Zhang Di turns head a way:"Am I quick?Can understand the person of your movements to only concern high Gao and phenix of sheep, those two idiots most quickly, they saw I not fight have already calculated friendly.I was foolish in Guangzhou for exactly a month, always didn't receive your telephone, came back and then saw your coffins as a result.""Coffin?"Remaining spreads wave and water orchid to lose a voice at the same time.Zhang Di is selfish to say next go to a way:"I still were frightened to death than you at that time, I still thought to is Gao Gao,Beats by Dr Dre studio, they killed you, hence madly hurtled up to hold tight Gao Gao Wen, who know they were two to return elephant bedlamite than me cried to shout to ask me whether gave decision to make you rush dint of blood of, I right away understood, affirmation was your two stupid fellows to still trap at in, hence I came in and conveniently told you if again not and quickly went out, you really needed to hang."
"Wait for a second, " remaining spreads a hasty way:"You just said not to, we come in most for a day, where have a month?Affirmation is that you are careless to record wrong."Zhang Di means deeply the long ground looking at his way:"You have no wrong, really at my one day of time, but I also have no wrong, really led for a month in that world, wrong of Be just this space."Water orchid way:"What mean?"Zhang Di Dao:"This is a world of distortion, not only distorted space, but also distorted time, made time here the length is farer far short than the world of reality, is also say, a day here equals for a month of outside.Your souls left body, the body was in the quickly bad dead.Gao Gao and phenix for protecting your bodies, the method of using dint keeps, however I see an estimate to protect as well how long, we at here three day, doesn't go, even if your souls returned to, will also have no body to depend on but the end soul eliminate a soul to spread."Water orchid Qi however way:"We early expect mortal, again be not don't want to go out, but the root can not go out!Is a perfect knot boundary here!"
"Not!"Zhang Di Nu however turn head:"There isn't any perfect knot boundary in the world, even if is strong to fly this kind of person such as Qi cloud, also by all means defective.The blemish is the exit that knots boundary!So early give up the hope of existence, also talk what vengeance, what untie riddle bottom?!You don't want to forget and carry on the back a few bloody human lives on our body!!"Zhang Di's words arose remaining to spread wave and water orchid to put out almost and quickly of beg rare**.Water orchid shakes to sway a ground of uprising way:"Zhang Di cans say that again, we can not so with ease give up."Remaining spreads wave to also struggle to get up a way:"You are this guy ……a day , not, disappear for a month, how become so many similar?"Zhang Di's look in the eyes is suddenly gloomy to disgrace:"I what to experience is another distress in Guangzhou, originally of Zhang Di have already canned not come back and follow behind Related articles:

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