Sunday, December 2, 2012

beats by dre solo ulled too nearly t

When thetwelve division team , forced to battle with the enemy ?!Li Wei the kid is the first .relationresultThe king and you don health promoter ,which is all of us together to make decisions ! Chen Jiayao looked with discovery ,Wang Baoyi returned to the team as it is for man ,seized Li Wei is a temper ,make her feel unhappy .
relationresultreso as his nonsense ?!The battle is cool, casualties ?You will never Twelve teams this system continue to exist ?! Wang Baoyi pushed to be pulled too nearly turned up the whites of their eyes in front of Chen Jiayao Li Wei ,he also does not want too rude, no matter what the family manner still want to keep .
relationresultCasualties ?!Wang Bao ,you are too looked down on our team !Up to now ,our team sacrifice number only fifty-one people ,injured ninety-seven ,while Renqiu County enemies at least one battalion before the whole army was wiped out.
In our positions ,but also not to be let outside enemy guerrillas consumption .There are at least a squadron ,you can calculate, Renqiu county and several brigade ?!Are we to consume the enemy ,or the enemy first done with us, not necessarily more accounted for cheap .
Chen Jiayao almost always paid attention to battle damage ,direct current record report out .relationresultLi Weirou ,did not die in the hands of the Japanese ,was hung up in her hand .
A face piteously stood aside, Jia Yao sister came just in time .relationresultA team ?! Wang Bao startled ,almost as long as slightly to calculate can count them ,against battle damage ratio of twenty to one ,as the battle damage ratio, lest the enemy and the whole army was wiped out.
In Renqiu County ,twelve division team up to only two hundred people sacrifice ,although the loss of at least 1.5 company of troops ,but Renqiu county area of Japanese and puppet troops strength almost all been swept space ,for the Eight Route Army almost encounter little resistance .
relationresultLi wei !The little asshole can also command the battle .It is looked down upon him . Wang Bao is not Chen Jiayao ,he murmured ,fifty-one Comrade sacrifices in exchange for an enemy battalion of the whole army was wiped out.
It some beyond the anticipation of Wang Bao .The front and a hail of bullets hit the student killed by gunfire licks the heavens. So many days lineup ,so the casualty rate only in small talk to describe ,I Wang Bao himself not too confident to be able to do .
relationresultWang Baodao isdown since, themselves too nervous too ,several other company commander is not so easily fooled ,are independent ,even if Li Wei deputy district chief, several other company commander and instructor will not help him blind .
relationresultHow?You still despise us several company commander !Are you the one ?!Others can ?! Chen Jiayao pinch on Wang Bao ,for Wang Bao this hate not all-around guard nurse attitude very disdain ,Wang Baogang was pulled when Li Wei didn Wang Bao himself .
The twelve team won like, Chen Jiayao felt he was looked down upon ,had women does not allow a man to her natural didn Wang Bao what good fruit to eat ,let him have a good review of how women turn be in power .
relationresultWang Baotemper completely gone, should be one of a drop ,just grabbing Li Wei ,now he was pulled ,bare teeth to beg for mercy: ah ah ah !No, not .Jia Yao ,rest assured ,others look at ?!Pay attention to image, lady ,lady ,beats by dre solo! , relationresultSee what ?!No stranger ,Wei Zi, staring eyes, to see how I learned the asshole .
Chen Jiayao be in power the new era female didn sell Wang Bao face .relationresultYou ,you talk !I go ! Li Wei braved the cold sweat ,the couple open-shelf ,own or hide away ,back for a few steps followed: brother came back, my agent is also a job ,given the command on the battlefield ,I exercise !The two of you continue to ha ! , relationresultAman can adapt to the battlefield to kill in the rear command status ,forced to suppress for a long time Li Wei almost howl than Japanese also loudly into combat ,born soldier or will belong to the battlefield .
relationresultLi Weienters the battlefield, as to the other twelve teams and the militia has injected a stimulant ,four company commander ominous name spread far and wide ,in hand-to-hand combat almost if a place where there is no one ,two and a half feet .
To combat magic is almost as melee efficient killing and birth, the blood pearl around thorn sway long blood line ,the Japanese and puppet troops soldiers even called for opportunities there ,throat was pulmonary pressure extrusion of blood and air rapidly emptying their physical .
relationresultWhat ? Ono Jio was holding a telescope staring off into the front battlefield suddenly crowded screams and confusing to shout, he could almost see his soldiers even without any resistance collapsed, the crowd ripped several channels ,is something like grinding ,high combat thorns, like rain spraying blood ,almost let him sleep would be a nightmare figure, Jizhong area .
Most Sheng twelve division four commander ,had appeared in the head-to-head positions .relationresultThehand should be charged with the duties of commanders, but now how will personally in battle ?!Ono Jio shuddered to say: ,what is the meaning of this ,Green Monday Beats! According to reliable information ,the twelve division of district captain Wang Bao should is under siege in the Eight Route Army eleven division headquarters in the escape, and twelve teams within the clear division of labor in the group of four ,beats solo hd,is less the leader Onokazu Wang Bao ,two great dare jumped at the chance to come against the twelve team ,if be put in at ordinary times that four people in time, Ono Jio wants to dispatch troops also should weigh .
relationresultWang Bao,Chen Jiayao ,Li Wei, Fan Guowen ,called the protect our homes and defend our country foursome ,almost each with expertise of the elite ,as long as one is a rare talent ,but together ,whether command command ,coordination management ,fight battles and raids to assassinate ,absolutely is a very difficult combination .
relationresultSoonOno Jio telescope was in twelve division team positions in the rear ,vaguely see a fuzzy is a familiar figure ,twelve division team District captain Wang Bao is back, only this can explain why as temporary commander Li Weihui give up the responsibility to the battle field .
relationresultHow could this be !How could this be ! Ono Jio is driven to distraction to automatic speaking ,twelve teams of four all ,this battle is not so good ,twelve teams once liberated Li Wei this Infortune ,fighting will definitely abnormal .
relationresultOno Jio felthimself in front of all shuddered ,looked down ,his calf in can trembling ,bones through uncontrollable fear .relationresultKill ,kill ,kill !To give me a do not leave ,I do not !Killing all the Li Wei hasn fought in that battle the enemy group in his fight ,losing Lianshen tactic ,to find the explosion skills while can only be maintained within ten seconds ,but also gave him on the battlefield of life insurance of great confidence ,the life and death decisions ,but a second is enough ,ten seconds ,heavens for he is too extravagant .
relationresultBaby!~ occasionally in control of their own burst Lee Wei carefree enjoyment like melon vegetable harvest temporary pleasure of life ,bloody seems to be suffused with sweet breath ,let Li Wei into cannot extricate oneself intention to kill ,no one can think of ,do not know how many times the wholesale slaughter of climbing out of the Li Wei in the field have no in modern meek and mild ,but like Asura demons will no longer see the enemy of humanity .
relationresultLi Weilet twelve division soldiers also frenzied howl ,morale surge ,the number of Japanese troops on the edge, did not stop the soldiers ran like crazy ,the bayonet stab their stomach .
relationresultIs ,is Li ! A bear puppet soldiers fear of death scream throw hand weapons on them ,despite the official hand samurai sword ,took the lead in the crash, he prefers to Related articles:

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