Monday, December 3, 2012

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Want of, takes a night, a night all bloods, wounds will resume to come over.
Is very quick, all dry bones warriors drive clean up clean, eastern month this just let go of the heart starting to hang to direct Biao car to in drive.
But black knife then again the fart Dian fart Dian of run to the eastern month.
"Thank!"The eastern month is used two talented persons only can hear of orotund openings way, this man just had no greed, this let her heart in very warm.
"We two don't need to say a thanks."Black knife heart in a sweet, tiny smile way, for like of the person work oneself is a happy affair.
"The system hasn't hinted!"The Wu worked properly a town mayor to clap a horse to walk to come over, he took out that box from the bosom, lightly in a flash,dr dre beats studio, the box quickly becomes big.
Opened box, the inside was a pair of shoes, immediately, the Wu works properly a town mayor to hurtle black knife mysterious tiny smile get up.
The black knife stares at an eye on seeing, only five words.
This?This garbage?Black knife silly eye, did the open and eastern Biao bureau protect this thing?Is still so careful?Seem, he knew it in heart what, but would not like to believe.
"Hum!"The eastern month humed 1 and hoped to after death of younger sister eastern star,beats by dre australia.
The eastern star understands that the ground takes out a box from the bosom, this and work properly the box in the town mayor's hand to look exactly alike in the Wu.
"Have already arrived destination, need not keep secret again, my also wanting and seeing is exactly what baby!"The eastern star voice just rose, flew to soon open box.
"Don't !"The horselaugh that the Wu works properly town mayor's facial expression to greatly change calls way, unfortunately have already been getting more late.
Because the box opens and knows that the person ears of related affairs all ring out a system hint:"Recommending the product has been already exposed, related keep secret an information have been already lost efficacy."
The box opens, in send forth light green yellow ray of light, the look in the eyeses of owner are all drawn on in the past, after all everyone has never seen a flaring product, however judging very naturally that must be a baby.
This still keep being a pair of shoeses, a pair of is fine and go to a pole of shoes, that sends forth come out of yellow blue the ray of light expressed this shoe of certain no trivial matter, also is currently unique expose of unique a piece special material, not surprising that can let eastern month thus nervous.
"You ……!"The Wu works properly a town mayor to urge a horse to rapidly hurtle, the blue vein of his face has muscular spasms and obviously angries very much to this exposing of shoe.
His facial expression basically has no player attention, all almost present players tightly stare at that shoe, that double of shoe that sends forth magic power ray of light.
But angry of Wu's working properly a town mayor have already urged the in front that the horse arrives an east star at this time, his bone gun shines on east star of the malicious sting of head go.

The Volume 5 black knife beginning shows the sand within lover's eyes of the Wei chapter 115
Renew time:2008-8-1119:31:00 chapter word numbers:5026

The material that appears Shan to there is glory for the first time, that was confusing the vision of owner pleasing the eye be in a twinkling attracted to the yellow blue glory.
When the bone gun being sharp-edged takes sturdily break empty the voice hurtle an eastern star sting to, everything has been a day after the fair while discovering.
Suddenly, a who there is no the figure also noticing blocking eastern star that Sha that Shan appears the in front of frightened facial expression and appears in the moment hands of a chases a huge wolf tooth stick, this hands embrace of wolf tooth the stick headed for like the similar shield that rapid sting come of bone gun.
Is pleasing of bump a shot voice to ring out, the body of the black knife tiny in a flash, the double arm didn't tingle, he this is the large force machine, look back that Wu to work properly a town mayor only and is a body.
At this time, the eastern star also slowly led absolute being, the facial expression still stays frightened of facial expression, speed well quick, immediately decide on the spot flurried to tremble a hand to connect that box a material to throw to the Wu work properly a town mayor.
Once connected box, the Wu worked properly a town mayor to fly soon of cover the box, and the facial expression is metal gray on waving hand, immediately those the under charge having already slowly slowly surrounded the whole Biao brigade stop down.
The hint of system rings out in time, eastern month this at let go of load within heart son, the dark strange younger sister's impulse, however she always also really very curious arrive is what things.
"Accept a brigade, the whole townses are on guard!"The Wu works properly a town mayor chilly way, immediately with the cold look in the eyes of that Yin sweep public eye is behind just deeply absorbed to at a stretch adjust to turn Ma Tou to return to drive.
"Thanking elder brother Dao to mutually save is still elder brother Dao had better."The eastern star amiability vomited to stick out tongue and hurtled black knife to dress up as a grimace.
The black knife is sallow, seem to be very difficult and see at this time, his speed isn't quick, even stiller low than many present Biao teachers, of so can save an eastern star, only because remain awake for him, keep in mind Wu and work properly the action of the town mayor.
He didn't realize an eastern star at this time, but twisted overdo, hope to eastern month slowly of, using that has already changed of hoarse orotund openings way:"Many affairs I can let you, spoil you, many affairs I can not mind as well, but I can not bear you to my beguilement."
After finishing saying, head also can't of to town inside walk to, his figure is some to fall Mo, the step is a bit heavy.
"?"Eastern month basically didn't thought of black knife of anti- because of such of big, she has to be careful, this not relate to her and also relate to catastrophe those disable and sick persons who take in, hope the figures of black knife, her mouth moves to move, but what also didn't speak, after all she still doesn't trust this man very much, that box just sweeps something under the carpet, and she doesn't for the sake of this Biao don't believe those players really.
"Is so stingy?"Those Biao teacher to this variety that come all of a sudden silly eye, someone cans not help hard believe, so kind, also how may catch up a female kid?Especially be like an eastern month so beautiful and outstanding girl.
"Elder sister, I hear Long You negative scale, touches it namely Nu, probably this is elder brother Dao's negative scale, he so, also just express that he really cares you, isn't that want to get what?"Do not know when, the eastern star has already arrived side in the body in month of east.
The eastern month is strong to endure tears not to want a slide, the man who just wanted to get into her heart left so, is so suddenly, here a lot of persons.Let how her ability do, immediately took a look a younger sister, peeped out wry smile, openings way:"This is the probably best result, you want, our noble family how may accept him so ground a men."
The eastern star hesitated for a while,dr dre beats pro, immediately after openings way, but used her rare earnest tone, the tone is serious many.
"Elder sister, think by yourself according to you do, as long as can't regretting and then going, the younger sister supports you forever."
"Thank!~"The tone in month of east is some to sob, her look in the eyes still hopes black knife that direction that falls Mo figure disappearance, once in a very long while don't wish to leave.
The black knife heart of leaving,such as knife, mows, he this is the first to truely face a beloved girl like this, left so, the in the mind unavoidably was full of unwilling, probably this affair is very small, if is other people, the black knife root is inattentive, but is an eastern month, the girl whom he likes, but he can not bear with her beguilement.
Although understand oneself is very silly,expects the black knife of true feelings to still keep choosing to leave, even if the heart,such as knife, mows.
"Man will be a little bit malicious to oneself."The black knife body type of self-ridicule disappears at transmission in.
"This is silly boy, also true silly simplicity.The peacetime is still a little bit trueer to all can not see clearly."Along with sigh a voice, the bad old man Qiao rice appeared, and closed on the heels of to disappear at transmission in.
Because they leave to have no how long, the Wu works properly the transmission of marsh town close.
Listen to behind the heel come to Luo Suo of old man, the heads of black knife all big, return what respected master?All completely break the images of respected master in the black knife heart.
In fact, the black knife is also understand, oneself should not is so stingy and just is like the man whom he says by himself, will be a little bit malicious to oneself, some affairs are to can not compromise, return Related articles:

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