Monday, December 10, 2012

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I say to Ma Jiao:"The goods came!I face at the doorway!"Ma Jiao also stands up to say:"Walk, go together, you sit first!"I walk with Ma Jiao to face west a side to look about in the road of doorway, different meeting, see a box car, the hard journey drives to come over from the jollification of gather the city.
The truck saw us, by the dual trumpet, I put to signal hint them to open into yard.The car stops in the yard of beard Ye steady, since the copilot jumped down, Zhang Feng drives of the brothers also came down.
I say:"Elder brother Feng is all the way hard!How, on the road still safety?"Zhang Feng connects to come over beard Ye the under charge passes over here of milk tea drank a way:"Arrive orchid state the neighborhood meet road card, O.K., our procedure is well-found, have no fee what the matter let go."
I say:"Safety good, after opening box door, let three elder brothers check goods!"Zhang Feng and driver walked to the behind of the box car and opened a box door.Ma Jiao with come over, say:"See, four elder brothers gave me the luck to come what good thing!"
The beard Ye also came over, I said:"Is an all dry fresh seafood article, you hardly see!"Zhang Feng and the brothers for driving move down one box goods and took out a bayonet to draw back the above box to take and opened a to see, the what a guy is all box of box to pack an elegant best shell!
I made an expression of eyes say to Ma Jiao:"This can is all good thing!So, there is shell still greatly staying 2 boxes for beard Ye to the shrimp, other of we order goods close book!"
The beard Ye took a box of shell to open, smelt in the nose underground and praised highly a way:"Good thing!This at we are here return What a rare thing!This how much 1 box?"
I smile to say:"The sending tastes for beard Ye 2 boxes, what money not money of, is all friend, didn't bother less you as well!We hereafter still want to set up a warehouse in the black sky of town, still have to invite a beard Ye help when the time comes!"
The beard wolf smiled Mi eyes way:"Say so much to say so much!"Zhang Feng moved two boxes of shells, two boxes of put a part to the shrimps, the beard wolf hurriedly made the brothers of his under charge move into a house to go to.
Connect down everyone clumsily the whole car goods all unloaded Ma Jiao to bring of two farmers are in the car and at the right moment pack bottom, used an oilcloth cover to fasten tight so much, Ma Jiao said:"That we walked faster, didn't bother beard Ye!Four elder brothers return Ma Chang to settle accounts with me."
I say to Zhang Feng:"You drive to go first orchid state city with good son, good son, you chase these two elder brother arrangement good, all stay at in the arethusa hotel, I return to in the evening!"
The good son says:"Like, all right!"Everyone takes leave, the cent head sets out.I sit on the rear seat of slicing the promise radicle with Ma Jiao, Ma Jiao says with smile:"Four elder brothers,google, does the noodles really have that good thing here?"I order to say:"Return to and see and then knew, ha ha!"
Return to Ma Chang's road up again meet the check of road card, Ma Jiao gets off to say with the cover that road check:"Our Ma Chang gathers the goods that the city enters from the black sky of town, don't see!"
Be cold for the cover of head face way:"Have to check, open oilcloth!"Ma Jiao sees the cover for carrying rifles with loaded bullets for more than ten ten weeks and shakes, under the opponent of the brothers say:"Open, let big Yes check!"
Two empress car compartments of farmer's cars all opened, Ma Jiao moved down a box of shell and said:"Is all seafood article, this box of show filial obedience each big Ye!"
That cover immediately smiles happily a way:"Three elder brothers are a Chang bright!Go, that we thanked, you left!"Ma Jiao gets on the car,Facebook, the car brigade left road card.Ma Jiao scolds a way:"A flock of recklessly and blindly do thing, Lao Tze's car dares to also check!"
I say:"Still go, eat to toast good!See come to this line hereafter can run."Ma Jiao smiles:"Return to first to see thing, thing good, we became rich!"
Return to Ma Chang, Ma Jiao receives the brotherses to open all boxes, I smile to say:"Need not so troublesome of, all markedness of, all take'Hu luck'marking of the boxes opened and then went!"
Indeed as expected, the mark has the box of"Hu luck" certain context on 20 Ma heads inside, totally rise come out 50 brand-new of 54 pistols and 2056 types fold the tommy gun of butt end!The handle knob gun went together with two cartridge clips and 20 hair bullets each time and chased tommy gun each time qualified two cartridge clips and 100 deliver bullet.
Ma Jiao doesn't want to put it away ground to picked up a tommy gun and presses bullet, towarding the big steppe is a shuttle son to tee off!He roars with laughter a way:"Four elder brothers!Like, good!Is all good thing!Come, we calculate calculate, I want to your hair how much insect grass to exchange ……"
Is many at 5:00 p.m., Ma Jiao sent person to send back me ghost street.Zhang Feng and the brothers for driving are arranged in the room of my next door, good son also at.I say:"Leave, good son, my elder brothers came, sought a good hotel tonight and gave welcome dinner for two of my brotherses!"
Zhang Feng says:" The down stairs literally eat an one mouthful, I see here of the big gear is quite good, once hadn't came yet a this place, we ate some a light repasts and drank some beer!"I say:"Is also good, good son you descend first to arrange bottom, you shampoo a building street corner of that is quite good, the the that we meeteach other."
The good son promises one to run next go to, I this just ask Zhang Feng:"Is home everything all all right?"Zhang Feng says:"Is all good, four elder brothers trust, what the matters all have no and talk with a few banks also very smooth, the whole world Anne protects companies to take over Lu Wan Qu's cash first to transport under guard, cover there also open good admit."
I say:"Just that good son is a small bludger, ground the head is familiar, he heel I, but he what don't know as well, talk and notice in front of him!"Zhang Feng says:"This is understand, have already seen out."I smile to say:"Still go!Leave, come downstairs to have a meal to go, tonight four elder brothers invite you to taste famous orchid state a light repast!"
The good son wanted a graceful and had already ordered one great table special feature cow mutton, the beer puts 1 box to put on the ground and return call come to the young lady of three beard Shao in the flowers.I say with smile:"Drink to spend wine to admire!Like, my brothers came me happy, tonight's young lady gives me the performance to order well, elder brother Wei delivers first for everybody 100!"
I take out leather wallet and order three bill and give three a piece a persons of Ms. Ge, say to the good son:"This money you can forbid to earn, is all hard fee for kid sister!Express well, finished everybody adds 1 again!"
The good son says with smile:"Elder brother Wei What a the rich!The small Wei quickly gets elder brother Wei, you 2 wait upon good these two elder brothers, all of somebody elses is Shanghai comes, once saw a big world of, you are a few today lucky!Come, pour wine for the elder brothers!"
The small Wei gets I sat down and smiled happily I pour beer, Zhang Feng's young lady's biggest square, direct sit to Zhang Feng's bosom, momentary, the atmosphere jollification in Ya Jian gets up, everyone toasts in succession, a burst of tease to shout of the sound of Yin wave ……

The 11th world of mortals extremely sings chapter 40 Tu is plotted secretly against
Renew time:2010-12-114:46:37 chapter word numbers:2568

Chapter 40 Tu is plotted secretly against(add to beg a monthly ticket more) (Everyone in person kiss consumedly,cnn, there is monthly ticket throwing several pieces!The April the monthly ticket PK Feng smoke rises again!If you are VIP to hire by the month a customer, so you had a few monthly tickets, snow wolf begged you and threw the monthly ticket to the An, you order my book page of that ordering is then a monthly ticket for a while, there are several pieces ordering several bottoms.Your monthly ticket is the power that we renew!Snow wolf thanks politely!!!)
This night, we are all beastly drunk.My in the mind is very excited, this northwest flight path's breaking through the business from now on is a good starting point for the secret society, everything has a liking for go to all very smooth, however I am getting wronger!
Drink, we sang song to once wear ghost street to return to an arethusa hotel, I am in the room and the small Wei Be slightly drunk to hazily hand over a joys, have already felt benumbed, until a gun ring, I am lying prone in carrying on the back the small Wei weak soft empress to cultivate, suddenly again is two guns ring!
"Pa!Pa!"The gun voice spreads very far in the ghost street silent night sky.Inside a burst of and in great disorder step voice in hallway, someone at Related articles:

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