Thursday, October 25, 2012

beats by dre solo other hand As a resu

This island two wings attack from both flanks of raid, 40,000 well-known scholar the soldier take high beautiful boats and ships to leave for one Qi islands from the north of China, with from spring state in Fukien open where of 100,000 Mongolia battalion rendezvous.They the plan whence set out and unite other regions in attack Japan.According to Chinese report, this went on expedition to have the trillion of bad omen in the beginning.These omens included on the water to see snake, and smell send out in the sea water of brimstony smell.Exactly a month period in August, Japanese soldier successfully obstructed from the south, north two roads since then and Mongolia troops, they can not break Japanese to use the defense line that the city wall constitutes.The blemish of dollar soldier oneself also makes the Japanese's sturdy resistance be getting more effective.Mongolia the nervous relation of of commander-in-chief and Hahn people's commander-in-chief weakened the strength of going on expedition the soldier.Have Hahn people's troops' morale of going on expedition the soldier great majority to fall low, don't wish to throw in to go in the combat of this hardship.And, they after nine states land, then discover oneself is placed in dangerous territory ground, can not effectively protect an oneself to don't need to get hurt to harm while being subjected to enemy or natural disaster's raid.They station in the spacious district and have no fortress, fortress or town as natural covers.These natural covers on the other hand can provide an appropriate protection, can also launch a raid to the enemy from here on the other hand.As a result, they hardly take the offensive Japanese on their own initiative.These two troops beat for about two months, but both parties are draw.The natural disaster of coming all of a sudden makes the hope that the mongols wins victory thoroughly vanish like bubbles.August 15 and the 16th, the occurrence assaulted nine state littorals in the typical model midsummer stage manners of East Asia.The high beautiful sailor detects storm to come, hence try to leave for ship dodge danger in the open sea, but their effort failed.1/3 was exterminated by the strong breeze in 40,000 northern warriors, but 100,000 southern troopses while trying to succeed in escaping there is even a greater half being buried ocean.Surround in the warrior of nine state islands or be massacred, or drive captive, or be drowned while attempting to ask for help of to stay to escape in the boat of near the bank.To Japanese, the stage manners is anything but an accident this time.This is the absolute being breeze of protection Japan that pared off there from the absolute being, because their land is being subjected to absolute being is protective.The mongols invades this time of the failure make doctrine standpoint in the Japanese race center of ego inflation once cause a temporary clamour.To Japanese, stage manners explains this time, the absolute being certainly would not allow enemy's conquest and capture their territories.But fail this time then destructive to the mongols and the suddenly necessarily strong sweat.In 1283, it is suddenly necessarily strong to issue order businessman at the south of China for again goes on expedition to construct to fight a ship.In 1285, he enlists female true artificial this battle construct 200 battleship.At the same year late some time, suddenly necessarily strong ask high beautiful artificial this aggression to provide an in great quantities big rice.But, when he just started demanding supplies and war ship, then met objection.In 1283, the businessman of the south of China protests against going on expedition to construct 500 heavy burdens that fight a ship for this.In 1285 and 1286 the beginning of the year, suddenly necessarily strong received his staff's a few reports, all advise Zu, he again takes the offensive Japan.In 1286, face a huge objection voice, he means concession, therefore, the battle in the plan is forced stop halfway.Suddenly necessarily strong subjects of a ruler discover that the mongols in fact is very weak.Maintain an important foundation of their political power, then keep terrible to the opponent mental state earthquake Zhe of strategy although have no complete bankruptcy, is passive to shake at least.This several times the huge expenditure for going on expedition bring of the result deeply have a destructiveness.Fighting a ship to construct to supply a fee property with supplies is very huge, resulted in a series of public finance problem, force suddenly necessarily strong rise to use match the horse and Lu Shi Rong etc. are despised by Hahn people of public finance management officials.Suddenly necessarily strong reputation and public finances all encounter breakage because of this a few battles,beats by dre solo.Face suddenly necessarily strong a chain of military with high prices launching go on expedition, the south necessarily thinks these battles to purely take a risk activity, have no benefit to the empire.Still have, all city construction and public construction engineering and suddenly necessarily strong I and Mongolia the luxurious life style pursued by palace, all aggravated public finance difficulty.The south is necessarily just a current situation burning anxiety, she knows being exactly the text Xiang in the sky that Liu Niang points of want for in dynasty, even if elephant Liu Niang so the person of the Dan color was to have no severals.Now, internal revolt and foreign invasion in the dynasty, some officialses know raise in taxes and lend machine to collect wealth, the person who truely make great effort to make country strong is less and less.
South the necessarily light Jie is a , just meant to say what, suddenly heard a burst of Mao Mao a voice since, the elephant was a rat be fighting, she title hope, but see the whole individual of snow son stick on the building beam, at that moment surprised get gape.
The 12th 0 chapters

120< big final outcome>
Necessarily south one exclaims and guards the month outside the door to carry Cha son to echo to jump inside the primer.
Snow son floats however falls to the ground from the building beam, the month carries Cha son to take out sword in the hand, the sword contains intention, the heart walks with the sword, lifetime learn to naturally and wildly leak but, a sword immediately after one sword the at every step tight pair stab toward snow son.Sees sword simply maneuvering interleave up and down round full circle, the Man is all all over the place empty as electricity flicker of Jing long grass, snow son doesn't live to hereafter back, don't strike back, just sneer at for a while, the Jiao drinks a voice to"go!", But see the month carry a deep pain of Cha son to call a , the body has already flown number Zhang and temporarily and unexpectedly start not get.A Qie Xue Hui Dao splits toward snow son, but see the knife that snow son stretch out two fingers to clip tightly to arrive at a noodles door, is a Jiao to drink again, the knife in the handle knob rolls in the hand and turns a moment, that became knife unexpectedly iron sand to slowly overflow out from snow son.
Is public all surprised get stare tongue-tied.
"Still rolled to go out not and quickly."A good half-day, south necessarily the empress hurtle public shout at top of voice, " thinks to this female Xia has no malice, you all back bottom.Emperor tomorrow still need to let off firecrackers, prepare quickly."
"Empress, I am to receive the life of emperor to protect yours."The month carries Cha son to see one eye the south is necessarily, " has already had to like the first-class firecracker for emperor, at under want to defend you here, promise your safety."
"Is little to lost face here."The south necessarily hurtles a month to carry Cha son to glare at.
"At under follow instructions."The month carries Cha son dynasty many Qie Xue Hui for a while hand, the ground of Yang Yang turned round to leave.
Palace of front door, the month carries Cha son after death of Qie Xue all sob not already, can not help from the in the mind to snow son respectfully rise respect.
The month carries Cha son to look back hope one eye, but see snow son grow to deliver shawl, the white dress wins snow, the palace lantern shines on her Jiao dimple, if water lotus, don't take one silk the human life firework.Wish, this young girl effort get, it is a person to just don't know is a fairy.This young girl fixs for not at from already under, oneself declares imperial palace one Qie Xue, the artistic skill is an unexpectedly not equal to petite woman, thoughts of here, the month carries Cha son a burst of abashed Nu, he flicks sword Wu ground the dance moves.Moonlight such as yarn sword like snow, snow wave sort flies high of sword light, imitating the Buddha is a shivering of mind.Sees sword light more disorderly and more disorderly, Hun such as one regiment entangled snarled hemp.Many Qies Xue Shan is in one side, but see the Jing long grass that Huang Chen Zhuo can not hold up against sword for sky, in the that Jing long grass elephant cloudy blue sky an absolute being dragon of roars, have no to have scruples about ground to make threatening gestures.
For a long time, the month carries Cha son to accept sword power and hopes diffused sky of Yu, the one in heart is vacant.
Many Qie Xue Jian Yue carry the appearance of Cha son dejected abjection, in every aspect and mutually Qu, momentaries' alling hard put is good.The light drizzle of the Xi Xi Li Li's ordering intravenous drop drop , immediately after, is a big slice of snowflake with big slice of slice again and float to spread.
Rain clips snow, a short moment and mostly the one is diffused.
The month carries Cha son to stretch hand to immediately after float however fall of snowflake, allow the tears overflowing in eye to noiselessly flow to drip and flow through the place of the softest his mind, how many turns and twists, how many sour tears, how many painful.This view becomes the time that he is spoony to be addicted to from cradle to the grave at this time, let his soul in the middle of shivering pain again painful, feel a kind of mum Mo and sadness of falling.Is a bit cold, a bit tired, some pain.Where does he have already forgotten a body to place when Qi Chu, close rain voice and snow fall a voice to send out a burst of to fall onto ground to sigh.Thousand mountain Mu snow, shadow is who go.
The month carries Cha son Wu from silly smile for a while, he again returns and hopes an eye and signs in the snow son in the palace, she really is a beautiful miss, cheeks and double lips elephant are to order rouge, in fact that is health of rosy, although her eyes are an eyelid with single fold son, but again greatly and bright, long eyelash elephant two stir the person to the feather fan a per ground Liao.Particularly call people can not stand of, is that rightness of mourn eye Shao under of big Mou son, always wanton a ground of orthoptic anyone, that look in the eyes son pours elephant docile fawn not, but the elephant is a mustang.
The month carries Cha son to see snow son and south necessarily the empress say what, compare to row Related articles:

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