Wednesday, October 24, 2012

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Be not what unattractive bit part however, their purposes are original and then isn't a time of shot to kill the other party, that isn't realistic
Oppress the other party, rob to own hand gradually the rhythm fighting in, these are their true purposes
The meteorite, ground sting, ground splits ……various soil fasten a magic trick, one connects a , don't give war Wang San Ren has the opportunity PK for stopping for rest war brigade success of inhibitted the other party 3 people to even include the sky dragon among them
In addition to field, leaf Zheng lightly looking at this conditions and finally and helplessly sighed a
State margin, indeed as expected arrived a behind more big ……if what this circumstance make change is leaf Zheng, blue Mo Tian, even if is the absolute being that hasn't arrived 91 classes, that also basically be not what problem on moving, a mind's magical power is a , unless what the other party use is a taboo magic trick, otherwise basically useless but this kind of situation under, they have opportunity to use taboo magic trick?Is obviously impossible
However, leaf Zheng pours to also have no other ideas at least the sky dragon's way of doing still very careful of, have no what problem he wants to break through siege by himself of words, he doesn't become what problem, can have scruples about to own teammate in this time and have been very good
Main force this place, fight a king be inhibitted another part, at the best attack by surprise point on, ten tread one the circumstance for killing to also become very far from good
Joker means really badly and very, so long time supports down, ten tread a to kill have been quite good even ten tread a to kill clear BE, if isn't a joker have been needing diverted notice Gao Ta's action, perhaps ……now oneself is what kind all don't know
Can even if the circumstance is again urgent, ten tread a to kill to can not back dead, either and can not back this blamed base really too importance, Ning quiet don't die, he could not make sure, either whether the sniper of the other party occupies to be not afraid of 10,000 afraid in case of, let the other party occupy this base, that was a huge disaster
Although the "dead" didn't talk, the double eyes of joker dark in still clearly expressed own meaning
The realm launches, attack such as dream like Huan, if a snake generally hurtled to come over, it made people basically can not understand the truth or falsity of this attack even if ten tread a to kill to want to evade confrontation with, all not that possible
Is dangerous ten tread a to kill eye in also flash across one silk does the cold long grass want to kill himself/herself?Don't pay a some price, that is also impossible
Just in this time, the difference changes Tu to rise
The joker attack is enough quick, but still has compare he attackstones quick thing that is the sniper of Nu arrows
In the eyes of the audiences, two black ray of lights are one Shan, directly rush 2 people but go to beyond all doubt be ……these two arrowses aim at respectively of is a joker and ten tread a to kill
No matter is ten tread a to kill still joker, are extremely to all of murderous looks of sensitive of make moves in the Nu arrows for an instant, realize far from good
Thinking didn't also think, the joker figure directly and falsely turned, and ten tread a to kill is also different BE, ten the figure treading a to kill is to thoroughly and falsely turn, and joker figure after falsely turning for an instant, again in a twinkling the Ning is solid, divided his divide time to attackstone continuously rushed at ten this time of treading a to kills, joker still needs to insist that cooling time that the shot kills the other party and doesn't hesitate to sacrifice to ownly divide time and know, divides time is also not short, the words come out and then be shot to kill, that equaling this to divide time was a white to use
2 divides time, even if ten tread a to kill near at very short distance can not also distinguish an of the double son of true or false joker not is waste time
Is beyond all doubt, two black ray of lights accurately wearing deeply 2 people is a wore deeply joker of divide time, but another……then wore deeply ten to tread a to kill of body
But, ten tread a to kill the head that didn't fall flop him up come out two big words-evade confrontation with
Ten tread a to kill of protect life technical ability-compulsorily evade confrontation with to compulsorily evade confrontation with all physical attacks
Have no of say, both parties' snipers all have no ability one shot but exert whole achievement
However, now also not is say this of time, a shot doesn't become, two opportunities that sniper all continued to give up to continue to attackstone, fly of toward this the best attack by surprise a point to run a top to contain his/her own teammate, they aren't afraid of the other party to easily threaten they and stand to the top quickly, is the most important matters
But at base on, ten tread a to kill to take oneself to protect time that the life technical ability flicks, directly took no cognizance a joker attack, flew a body to rush toward up, not and desperately the attack the other party temporarily force joker backed to return to
The joker is very also helpless the other party obviously used to protect life technical ability, he had to back, if he also uses to protect life technical ability ……even if the shot killed ten to tread a to kill, that is also the sky dragon's existence of the not worthwhile business, always is a not small threat to him
Base on of battle out two vigorous superiors who assassinate to fasten of abnormalities to me go toward of, who Be not willing to let, either who and this time both parties' snipers also at fly of rush through who stand first to highland on, who occupy active with first hand power
Rob of is a time
At the same time, the combat vehemence here's another part, both parties main force belligerence of the battlefield also born not small variety
No matter how it is say, the soil fastens chemical element teacher success of inhibitted 3 people, but impossibly so unending bottom go to of he always needs to consider to stay some back routes for he of, if the physical strength finishes consuming and how do?Does the stem looking at a dozen of soy sauces?He doesn't think that these 3 people embrace regiment together, with lend him own attack can the life of the other party without sniper and assassinate to fasten an occupation two greatest main forces exportation, both parties main force of the exportations all seemed to be weaker
Finally, after being a burst of and bombarding, the soil fastenned chemical element teacher to stop down
But at stop an attack of this for an instant, together green the light dash forward horizon, it make people don't already change countenance
A figure steps to fly sword blunt sky of but rise, directly hurtle to the half is empty is the sky dragon in that, he wanted to counter-attack
The "the not good shield helps joker they" Sa gram Si sees the direction that the sky dragon starts to hurtle not to, facial expression immediately upheaval, secretly regret, oneself how forgot there circumstance
Very obviously, the sky dragon's target isn't them, but the joker and sniper of highland
After all, the sky dragon is again strong, have guarding of shield here, have the Sa gram the treatment support of the Si, he is a person is to offend infrangible rather choose another square, kill off the other party of one person is the penny real strenght that weakens the other party besides and there of two main exportations that person is the other party?Had no exportation, also beat what?
Is cold in the shield eyes only one Shan, directly rush to highland his degree soon, at least at heavy shield warrior in, almost no man can compare of but, compare with the sky dragon to say, also differ like a distance of
However, the existence that there has joker,cheap beats by dr dre, even if is three of short time beat two, the other party also not definitely the ability in a twinkling give° the situation to settle down
Five shields take five time, then can arrive to the spot after the sky dragon arrive to
Chapter 510 PK converses-consociation realm!
After the shield acted, the Sa gram Si wanted to think and felt still that the insurance is not.After all, joker O.K. says, one square's sniper of oneself can have no so tall artistic skill, everyone's noodles is too weak, the sky dragon's iron the heart want the words aiming at sniper, that says to prohibit a meeting what problem.
Hence, the Sa gram Si also had to give up a this place of confrontation, run toward the highland.Anyway several personal confrontation also have no here of meaning, who also take who can't of.
Sa gram once the Si move, tea tea and small black the nature can not looking at, either and also close on the heels of heel past.Hence, the moment both parties' battlefield then facing that highland bias.In fact this matter that is also normal, just sooner or later is just.
Is five, before the shield arrives to, the sky dragon has five time to develop.Five time, how does his meeting do?May these five keys that is a normal game victory or defeat!
Joker?He is a main force within troops to output, is investigate, is also the symbol person of this troops Related articles:

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